Friday 24 June 2016

Journalism 2 Task 3d

Should men wear make-up?
Make-up is a topic that so many people talk about, many people believe that beauty comes from within, others think that beauty is something that happens after you have slapped on that make-up. So many people in this world feel uncomfortable in their skin and have no self-confidence, especially people who have skin conditions such as acne or people who feeling insecure with things such as bags and dark circles.  A lot of people have started to realise that men use make-up as well, not just actors and artist but also make-up artist and a lot of gay people. I know that many people can find this weird because people are normally use to females wearing make-up. Personally I think if you enjoy make-up the go ahead and use as much as you want! Use how much fits you! It’s not about what other people think of you but it is about what you think of yourself and what suits you to make you feel comfortable in your own self. I asked a few people on their opinions on make-up. I asked them questions such as “Do you think that make-up is necessary?” This person said “Yes because people will sometimes feel insecure about their looks so make-up can make-up would make them feel more comfortable.  I also asked what is his opinion on make-up and if he thinks men should wear it? And he said “I personally don’t like make-up this is because I personally thing that a girl does not need to look good , they can look good without make-up too.I think that men should not wear make-up because that it a females job to look good" On the top left and right hand corner it show two pictures of a young lady who’s make-up I done. This look is for a normal night out, so if anybody wants to copy this look the next page shows all the products that I used and how much they all cost, and don’t forget “You are beautiful inside and out!”

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