Friday 24 June 2016

Journalism 2 Task 2b

The Guardian Newspaper
The Guardian newspaper is a traditional technique of publishing. It is made with paper and print products, mainly printed out from a printer. This company can also publish their news on the internet but people mainly use actual newspapers to read this companies website. The advantages for using a tradition print product such as The Guardian Newspaper is that you can read it anywhere and everywhere, there are no digital devices placed inside so they would have no batteries to make the newspapers battery run out. This is good because you don’t have to rely on it dying out on you.

Vogue E-Magazine
Vogue have different ways of producing their company and this is one of them. You’re able to download magazine apps such as vogue on your electronic device. This is good because you are able to use it at any time. It is updated so if anything new pops up it automatically pops up on the app so it is fast.  It is also good because it does not damage easily such as a normal newspaper which could rip very easily. A disadvantage of using an e-magazine is that it needs batteries for it to function so the battery could die at any time. Using an E-magazine also saves money for things such as ink and printing, also other companies have the opportunity to advertise other products on their e-magazine if they have the permeation to.

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