Monday 27 June 2016

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Production Title………………………………………Make-Up………………………………………………………………………………………
Crew: Director Bisi
Cinematographer: Bisi
Address of shoot: 20 Rowlandhill Avenue

The following potential risks / hazards might be present:

Risk / Hazard identified
People affected
Existing controls
Tripping hazards

Make-up artist and client
Move all make-up from the floor and put in the right places.

Floor space

Make-up artist and client
Make sure there is space on the floor.


Photographer and model
Make sure there is no water or liquid around.

Friday 24 June 2016

Journalism 1 Task 2c

Journalism 2 Task 3d

Should men wear make-up?
Make-up is a topic that so many people talk about, many people believe that beauty comes from within, others think that beauty is something that happens after you have slapped on that make-up. So many people in this world feel uncomfortable in their skin and have no self-confidence, especially people who have skin conditions such as acne or people who feeling insecure with things such as bags and dark circles.  A lot of people have started to realise that men use make-up as well, not just actors and artist but also make-up artist and a lot of gay people. I know that many people can find this weird because people are normally use to females wearing make-up. Personally I think if you enjoy make-up the go ahead and use as much as you want! Use how much fits you! It’s not about what other people think of you but it is about what you think of yourself and what suits you to make you feel comfortable in your own self. I asked a few people on their opinions on make-up. I asked them questions such as “Do you think that make-up is necessary?” This person said “Yes because people will sometimes feel insecure about their looks so make-up can make-up would make them feel more comfortable.  I also asked what is his opinion on make-up and if he thinks men should wear it? And he said “I personally don’t like make-up this is because I personally thing that a girl does not need to look good , they can look good without make-up too.I think that men should not wear make-up because that it a females job to look good" On the top left and right hand corner it show two pictures of a young lady who’s make-up I done. This look is for a normal night out, so if anybody wants to copy this look the next page shows all the products that I used and how much they all cost, and don’t forget “You are beautiful inside and out!”

Journalism 2 Task 3d

Audience Ages 40+
Beauty is a topic that so many people relate to, many people believe that beauty comes from within, others think that beauty is something that happens after you have slapped n that make-up. So many people in this world feel uncomfortable in their skin and have no self-confidence, especially older people. Older people have more skin problem than others such as wrinkly skin, dark circles and bags. Personally I think that beauty comes from within but make-up does make people feel better about themselves and I don’t blame them, if make-up makes you feel beautiful and comfortable then go ahead!i understand that older people feel less confident about themselves and I do not blame them. There are loads of products out there such as ageing cream which apparently " reduces less wrinkles on your face" but there is also not harm in using make-up, it also helps you feel more younger. Use how much fits you! It’s not about what other people think of you but it is about what you think of yourself and what suits you to make you feel comfortable in your own self. I asked a few people on their opinions on make-up. I asked them questions such as “Do you think that older people should use make-up?” This person said “Yes because people will sometimes feel insecure about their looks, especially older people so make-up could make them feel more comfortable. On the top left and right hand corner it show two pictures of a young lady who’s make-up I done. This look is for a normal night out, so if anybody wants to copy this look the next page shows all the products that I used and how much they all cost, and don’t forget “You are beautiful inside and out!”

Journalism Magazine Article

Journalism 2 Task 5 Evaluation

Journalism 2 Task 4

Journalism 2 Task 2b

The Guardian Newspaper
The Guardian newspaper is a traditional technique of publishing. It is made with paper and print products, mainly printed out from a printer. This company can also publish their news on the internet but people mainly use actual newspapers to read this companies website. The advantages for using a tradition print product such as The Guardian Newspaper is that you can read it anywhere and everywhere, there are no digital devices placed inside so they would have no batteries to make the newspapers battery run out. This is good because you don’t have to rely on it dying out on you.

Vogue E-Magazine
Vogue have different ways of producing their company and this is one of them. You’re able to download magazine apps such as vogue on your electronic device. This is good because you are able to use it at any time. It is updated so if anything new pops up it automatically pops up on the app so it is fast.  It is also good because it does not damage easily such as a normal newspaper which could rip very easily. A disadvantage of using an e-magazine is that it needs batteries for it to function so the battery could die at any time. Using an E-magazine also saves money for things such as ink and printing, also other companies have the opportunity to advertise other products on their e-magazine if they have the permeation to.

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Task 3 (Pre-Production) Recees

I used my room as the location of where I am going to take my pictures. This is because the location and background is not that important as I am only taking pictures of the model’s face.

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Task 3 (Magazine Example) Journalism 2

Task 3 (Pre-Production) Contact Sheet

Presentation Task2 Journalism 2

Task 3 (Pre-Production) Props and Costume

Props and Costume
We did not need to use any fancy costume but the person I took pictures of wore normal clothing that she was comfortable in wearing. The props that were used where:

  • Iphone 6s ( Camera)
  • Nars Luminous Foundation
  • LA Pro-Girl Highlighter and Contour
  • Ben Nye Translucent Powder
  • Make-Up Brushes
  • Chanel Mascara
  • MUA Highlighter 
  • MUA Lipliners
  • Velvet Matte Lipstick

Task 3 ( Pre-Production)

Call Sheet
Date: May 23rd
Time: 12:00 pm
Location: Photography Studio

I am going to be taking pictures of the model’s that I have chosen face’s that I have applied make-up on. I am going to using make-up because this journal is based on make-up , I am also going to be applying make-up on my model’s and taking photos of the before and after.

Journalism Task 2 (Pitch)

Journalism 2 Task 1 (Mood Board)

Journalism 2 Task 1 (Mind Map)